Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cleans and Burpees

Sleep:  Better than the last several nights- 10:00- 7:30, woke up around 3 to go sleep with Stele but no more coughing- nap from 10:30am- noon with Stele :)

Food:  My stomach has been "angry" this entire week, meaning I have been getting nauseous after every meal so today I tried to keep it simple.  7:30a coffee with cream, 9:30 zone bar to quell the nausea, 11a, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 small apple, and a handful of almonds, 2p 3 eggs with sauteed apples and green beans and some nuts, 4p bowl of air popped popcorn with nutritional yeast, 5:00p med. dry cappuccino, 9p homemade chicken salad with cantaloupe and figs, 10p arctic zero ice cream.

So feeling sick this week and mostly training alone has really done a number on my ego- thankfully today I began to feel somewhat normal again and my performance shows as such.  The workout today was not a tester- finally- and it felt good to get back to somewhat "normal" training.  It looked like this:

4 sets @ 100%:
3 tough squat clean

10 burpees AFAP
rest 2:00 b/t sets

Quick singles looked like this: 
95# :50, 105# :45, 115 :50, 120 x 1 (F on 2 and 3 so jumped ship and went for the burpees)
For whatever reason (fatigue :) I only did 9 Burpees on round three... 


4 sets @ 100%:
Row 30 sec max effort
rest 2 min b/t efforts

142m, 145m, 141m, 141m

Interestingly enough the row wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be- probably because it was only 4 rounds.  Here is another side by side video for perspective!

Here is a series of pwr /cleans at 115# from 1 month ago- not nearly as pretty!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Weighted Chin ups

Sleep:  Crappy- fell asleep at 10p, Stele cried for me at 12a so I went to sleep in her room- woke several times due to her and my coughing... finally up at 7a

Food:  Sorry my food journal has sucked... time and memory.  7am coffee with cream, 2p (waited way too long- long morning at the gym) large salad with mixed greens and veggies, fish and eggs, nuts, EVOO, and balsamic vinegar, 3p hard boiled egg, small apple, and few nuts, balance bar around 5p, dinner of lettuce "tacos" with gf ground beef, guacamole and salsa, small apple, arctic zero ice cream 9p

Workout looked like this:

A. chin up weighted pronated med grip - build to a 1RM

(score is weight added + BWT)

115 bw + 20lb = 135lb

B. perform AMRAP reps @ 3010 same grip for part A
(weight used is 85% of TOTAL in part A, not total of weight added in part A)
i.e. 50# DB + 120# BWT = 170# score - 85% of 170 = 144, therefore weight used in part B is 144-120 # BWT = 24# DB added
I didn't read correctly (sigh)- this would have essentially been bw pull ups for me at tempo (135 x 85%= 114.75). Anyway, I instead did pull ups with 17 lbs. (20 x 85%) at tempo and could only get 1. My reading skills must improve!
50 TGU slightly heavy - slow and steady, NOT for time
50 TGUs complete with 35 lb kb- did sets of 5 per arm- felt good.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What a difference a year makes!

So last week I really got hit hard with the sickies- I think it was a combination of increased training leading into sectionals and the realities of living with a three year old.  Anyway, I had a really hard time dealing with my limitations due to my sickness and indulged in quite a pity party at the end of the week.  So, I drug out some old videos to help with perspective.  I remember a long time ago I was in class and Shanna was coaching.  I was trying to get a 100lb power clean and was having little luck- I think I only made it to about 88lbs. and Shanna reminded me that "everyday can't be a PR day". 

As my training increases I have fewer and fewer PR days, as such I am still working on learning to deal with that.  Here is a video from last January of a 95# clean, juxtaposed with a video of 5 TnG 100# cleans... wow what a difference a year makes!

Amber 95#  clean- Jan 11, 2011

Amber 100# TnG pwr cleans- January 25, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Team WOD and heavy deads

I started off the morning not sure of how the day would go.  Having been sick on and off for the past week, I went to bed with a sore throat and dread of what the morning would bring.  Anyway, I woke up feeling much better and decided to give the team WOD a go.  It looked like this:

15 minutes build to a heavy snatch
12 Min. AMRAP of:

3 pwr snatch @ 65#
9 ring dips
5 rounds + 3 snatches

then rested about 30 minutes and completed part 2 of OPT Being.

185# Dead Lift x 35
Run 2K
for time.


rested about 30 minutes then part 2
did 8 DL @ 185 then scaled to 175 for remainder The DL were singles but the run went well and my recovery was surprisingly quick. I have mental issues :) with heavy deads- this was great to help me push through. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kruel Karen

Awesome- 250 Wall Balls for time- who would ever want to do 250 wall balls!  UGH!  Needless to say I was less than motiviated to do this in an empty gym all by myself... but I did it... it was like really slow torture:

22:23 in sets of 10, then 5s

Onward and upward.

No photos or videos- not exciting at all and I'd really just like to forget it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Finally well? Wednesday pwr cleans

Started the day at coaching the 5 and 6am class then working the floor until 11am.  Long ass day, training at 11 looked like this:
3 sets:
clean pulls - 120% max clean x 3 tough

Run 20 sec @ 95%

rest 3 min
140# ~120m consistently
The clean pulls felt easy and I felt super fast on the sprints


3 sets:

5 TnG power clean tough

Row 20 sec @ max effort
rest 3 min
85, 95, 100 (video)- 110m, 114m, 113m- Rows were hard but felt fast on the power cleans- probably could have gone heavier but wanted to work on technique

3 sets:
7 hang power clean TnG tough
Airdyne 20 sec max effort
rest 3 min
85, 95 (video), 85- 10, 10, 10cals
Dropped down in weight  to focus on speed and technique- felt light and fast.

More sickness and Tuesday night back squats

So the conjunctavitis returned and back to the doctor I went.  Anyway, recovered enough to train but not at 100%.
I was excited to see back squats and the 85% test- The workout looked like this- training at 5p:

A. back squat @ 20X1 - build to a tough single

This is one of those days were I was expecting at least 160 and was so disappointed. I could only push out 145 at a reasonable tempo and it felt heavy.  However,  I learned from Corey later that "x" means AFAP so I probably could have gone up without failing.  Oh well, next time.  

B. 85% of part A @ 20X1 - amrap 1 set

This went well- 120# x 8

C. wtd chin ups @ 22X2; 2-3 x 6; rest 90 sec

 5, 10, 15 x2, 15 x2, 12.5 x2, 10x2- don't know why I went down, guess I thought I could pick up a few extra reps, obviously not.
Suck ass night of training- hopefully better tomorrow.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

2 Rest days and then got sick- WTF??

James programmed two rest days that I took reluctantly- but I took them- and then woke up in the middle of the night Friday with my right eye swollen shut and Stele's eyes crusted over...

So, needless to say I had to take another rest day.  I'm not sure the last time I took three consecutive days off- probably was good for me!

In that time, I did however complete my new dressing room at home... for your viewing pleasure:

Thank god I didn't do yesterday's workout- it looked like torture.  Here it is in case I decide to do it some day in the future (don't hold your breath):

5 rounds for time:
Row 1K
15 COVP chin ups
15 thrusters (75/55#)
15 push up burpees

Today's looked rough when I read it, but wasn't really so bad.  It looked like this:


30 sec @ 90%

30 sec @ 50% x 20
5 sets:
20 ghd sit ups
20 ghd ext's
rest 90 sec

so basically this is 20 minutes on the airdyne (half at 90%) and 100 GHD sit ups and 100 back extensions... yikes.  I can't lie, after three days off this wasn't what I wanted to do in a dark, cold gym by myself... but I digress.  

It was surprisingly good and the airdyne wasn't nearly as horrible as I thought.  I ended up at about 220cal. on the AD in total  (I had to get off twice to adjust the seat which interrupted two 50% sessions).  I did the GHD sit ups in sets of 10 and the back extensions unbroken.  All in all pretty good workout.

Friday, January 20, 2012

GHDs and BE

Sleep:  Can't remember but has been good lately
Food:  Still eating for sport- feeling a little sick as my toddler has been sick

Workout looked like this:

3 sets @ 100%:
5 TnG Power Clean
10 burpees AFAP
rest 4 min

 75, 85, 85- elbows are still not high enough
Burpees felt good


3 sets @ 95%:
Row 1 min
Walk rest 5 min
 261m/ 261m/ 259m
1 set @ 90%:
5 rds:
20 DU's
15 ghd sit ups
15 back ext's

8:49- GHD was limiter- did unbroken until last two rounds

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Two rest days and a recovery run

Wow- I needed two days off- I felt like a truck hit me!  Stele is battling a cold this week and I think I may be also.  Needless to say- listening to your body is vital to good training and good recovery.

Sleep:  10p-4:45 not enough but felt much better today than yesterday, regardless of sleep
Food:  5am coffee with cream while coaching, breakfast snack of 1 egg, some nuts, and an apple around 8:30a, lunch at 10:45 of breakfast salad with eggs, nuts, veggies, EVOO and balsamic, snack of balance bar and dry cappuccino around 4p, dinner of salmon and grilled veggies with large salad at 6:30p

Training- Recovery run 30 min @ Z1 easy pace

After 2 days off (with the exception of moving furniture in my house and chasing my toddler around) this was awesome!  I ran in my neighborhood which includes a beautiful lake and a very small trail- but with temperatures in the high 50s it was a great day to run!  What is really amazing is that two years ago I would have considered this a significant workout.  Today it definitely felt so easy and relaxing.  My right hamstring is really tight from lazy power cleans- really have to work on not compromising form when I'm tired.  

Here is a crane I encountered on my run.  

Saturday, January 14, 2012

the final workout of the 2009 NE Regional

Sleep:  10:30p-6:30a
Food:  Coffee w/ cream @7a, large salad with 3 eggs, veggies, etc. at noon, balance bar around 3p, several handfuls of nuts here and there, small decaf dry cappuccino at 5p, 6:40 p dinner of steak, asparagus, salad with olives and mixed greens, fruit, dessert of almond butter, coconut and whey protein balls- yummy!

Training at 7am

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Power cleans 95 lbs.
Kettlebell swings (1 pood)

There was an OPT construction competition today but the first WOD consisted of MU and 115# C&J- not gonna happen for me.  So I substituted the the final workout of the 2009 NE Regional- scaled.  This is the end to my first full week of the OPT being and I feel a little beat up.  I think I am going to take off tomorrow and Monday- maybe a recovery run.