Saturday, January 11, 2014

Thank you Zachypoo

Going to start posting per week- Zach is now programming for me.  Love it so far.

Day 1

A. Deadlift 5x5 170#
Rest 3 min btwn sets

B. BTN Press (21X1) 2x6 (tough but steady @ strong tempo)- 55#, 65#
Rest 2 min
+  Push Jerk 3 x 6,4,2 (maximal on x 2: goal is zero press outs: focus on aggressive feet!) Rest 1-2 min 105, 115, 120

C.  Seated Box Jump 7x 1.1.1.  (eyes up, chest up feet come off the ground as arms propel you forward) right back up once you get down (though do take a sec to set yourself) Sat on 16# box, jumped to 32”

D. Back Extension 3x8 (unloaded)

Day 2

WARMUP FOCUS: first pull
A. 2-Position Clean x Establish a heavy single (first clean from the floor focusing on weight transfer in first pull & maintaining back angle from floor to knee + hang clean from below knee focusing on creating leverage over the bar)
B. EMOM 24 minutes
1st min Wall Ball x 20 seconds
2nd min: KB Snatch 3/arm (tough)
3rd min: C2B Pullup 6-7

C. GHD Sit Up 3x12 10# WB
Day 3

A. Front Squat 10x2 (Focus on speed with ~55% with chains) 90# plus chains

B. Muscle Snatch 5x3 (every other set of FS; moderate-heavy) 65#

3 x Sandbag Run 40 meters x 2
1 x Bar Muscle Up
8 x 1 Burpee + 1 Stone Over Blocks 60# + 1 Crawl Over (jerk blocks at eye level)
This was awesome.  I didn’t keep track of the rounds- I was in a hurry to finish before I had to coach.
(hmmm I want Deadlift intensity day to come a day after rest day? does this mean we switch 4 and 5)
Day 4

A. Deadlift (2010) x 5 RM (we want to allow room for improvement after the first intensity day, that’s why I’ve given the tempo here; if you feel like you have a little more left in the tank that’s OK)
195#- definitely had more left in the tank

B. Muscle Ups 5x1 (let’s chat to figure out the best approach for this based on MU history)- very close, did 5 attempts with long arms- feeling much more confident here.

C. 7 Rounds
3 DB Squat Clean + 3 DB Push Press (tough; 35-40#?)
Sprint 40 meters x2
Rest 3 minutes
Felt a little nauseaus after this- fun workout.  First time I have sprinted since the toe incident.

D. GH Raise 3x 6-8 (add load as able)
BW, 10#, 15# all by 8

Day 5

A. 5 x  Every 2 Minutes
1 Clean and Jerk x begin at 80% and add load as able; do not exceed 95%

8 Hang Squat Clean 95#
16 GHD Sit Ups
8 Rings Dips
40 Double Unders

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 3 of squatting. Need a plan.

A. BS 20x1 2, 2, 2, 2
125, 135, 145, 155 A2G- felt heavy
B. 20 minute EMOM clean build
85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 105, 105, 110, 115, 115, 115, 120, 120, 125 F, 115, 120, 120- felt heavy
8 minute AMRAP
8 DL 115#
8 HR push ups
25 DU (subbed 7 cals on AD- chose 7 because that took me ~25s in round 1

6 rounds + 4 DL

Friday, January 3, 2014

Snatch Technique work

A. Power snatch + snatch - 65% (of snatch) x 1+1 x 2, 70% x 1+1 x 2, 75% x 1+1 x 2
70, 80, 85

B. OHS @32X1 – build to a heavy set of 5
65, 85, 95, 75, 95, 100- tried to maintain a wider grip- i.e. snatch grip

C. 8 sets - every 75 sec - HS x 2 (80%)
90 felt insanely heavy so I begin with 65 with the intention to build- after three sets I felt really hungry and tired so shut it down for the day.

Rough come back.

A. FS; 3@45%; 2@55%, 2@65%, 2@80%; Rest only the time it takes to change weights (approx. 45 sec)
75, 85, 105, 125
B. FS; 1@90%, 1@95%; rest as needed
145, 155 F- couldn't stand this up, and 145 was a struggle

C. for time:
20 KB swing (1.5pd)
30 walking lunges
20 TTB
30 S2OH (65#)
20 alternating DB snatch (45#)
30 wall balls


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


In the order of your choice complete max reps in two minutes of:
Kettlebell swings (24/16 kgs)- 
Box jumps (24/20)- subbed high box step ups 24"- 
Deadlifts (Use approximately 60% of a multi-rep max not to exceed 225/155lbs)- 29 reps
Double unders- subbed pull ups- 40 reps

Tuesday December 31st

A1. Shoulder Press 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
65, 70, 75, 80, 85
A2. Wtd. pull up 2, 2, 2, 1, 1
10, 15, 20, 25, 30
60 minutes Z1 on the AD

Monday, December 30th


20 cals AD
20 KBS 35#
20 cals rower
20 GHD
20 BS- 35#
20 DBPP 20# dbs


Sunday, December 29th

30 minute AMRAP of:

250m row
5 K2E
5 push ups
5 slammers
5 DB snatch 35# 
5 RKBS 55#
5 WB 14# to 9'
5 ring dips
5 pull ups- butterfly

7 rounds = 250m row+ 25 reps